On Friday the US Supreme Court supported equal marriage.  On Saturday, by pure coincidence, London Link Group went to Pride in London.
Pride is now more a celebration than a protest.  We met in a disused graveyard in Paddington Street Gardens, a clever meeting place either side of the road which means missing each other is almost certain.  The initial group included nine Link Group, some people from the QLGF and others.
We marched with three banners, the new Rainbow Q placard, Queer Quakers, and the Quakers for Equality.  There was a lot of hanging around while the biggest Pride ever got ready to march.  We were unusually near the front.  Pride is an odd mix of big corporate sponsors, public bodies from the NHS to the armed forces, and everyone from footballers to dancers.   Behind us were the LGBTQI+ Muslims, who were in an excellent mood, chanting “What do we want? Food.  When do we get it?  Sunset.”  Marching on a hot sunny day in Ramadan sounded hard work.
By the time we were under way there were lots of extremely enthusiastic spectators clapping everyone.  It was a cheerful, friendly and tiring day.
Then to Westminster Meeting for refreshments, chat and Lucy’s epilogue.

People say marching and campaigning and protesting can’t achieve anything. Well, the legal position of LGBT people has changed out of all recognition in the UK but there is a lot to do.  Being gay is against the law in 80 countries and ten of those execute LGBT people.  Same sex marriage is still not legal in Northern Ireland and people are still bullied in schools.

– Stephen Cox