London Link Group

Young Quaker London Link Group

Author: Rebecca Fricker

Food for the body and soul in Forest Hill

14 Linkers from the very new, to the sadly soon to leave us, along with 6 brilliant volunteers, descended on Forest Hill for a weekend of fun.

We started with culture in the Horniman Museum – where a few of us caused chaos by letting cats into the cafe, and others by trying to get pigeons out of the cafe! People were particularly impressed by the spinning globe (more of later), instruments and aquarium.

We ate a picnic looking at the fabulous views over London then, after some tree hugging in the beautiful gardens, headed to the funky Forest Hill Meeting House. Here we played some games to get to know each other (before killing each other – Mafia style – always a popular choice).

Linkers were then set a challenge – in small groups they had to recreate something they were inspired by in the museum.

An exhibition was then set up where the creations were judged against strict criteria including vibes, likeness and resources used.

This took us to a dinner of tasty vege chilli and some down time before Epilogue and hot chocolate.

On Sunday we joined Forest Hill Children’s Meeting where we learnt about Joan Baez,  and sang one of her songs, led by Suzy in some very funky dungarees that she had designed for her brother when she was the equivalent of a Linker! The children then considered what helped them feel safe, while the young people explored the power and role of protest music and culture – name checking artists including: Declan Benedict McKenna; The Halluci Nation, especially the track “Sisters”; Billy Bragg; and the Singapore punk scene!

Several families then joined us for another great lunch featuring baked potatoes and a very welcome homemade chocolate cake before we all headed home.

Huge thank you to Forest Hill for hosting us, the volunteers who made it happen, and the Linkers themselves whose ingenuity and contributions never fail to amaze. We look forward to seeing you in January for our annual Winterval (date to be decided soon).

Friends Girls School Tokyo visit

Gifts given to LLG to say thank you for helping host

London Linkers can now, with authority, share that The Sun Shines On is not just played by British Quaker youths….and that Ginger Nut biscuits are a huge hit with Japanese young people. 

3 older Linkers, and the LLG Clerk, were pleased to help Westminster Meeting host 30 students, and 3 teachers, from Friends Girls School Tokyo as part of their annual visit to the UK.

We spent the morning explaining what we do in London Link and LTQM, while also giving a big shout out to Junior Gathering, Senior Conference, and JYM etc. They had many questions for us and it was a joy to share our perspectives with them but also to hear the amazing impact of spaces like London Link on our young people’s lives and their Quaker journeys.

The final questions were around George Fox and one of our answers led the students sharing that they had learnt a song about him… This led to a brilliant sing along of the Sydney Carter Ballad of George Fox song (also known as There’s a Light that is Shining or simply The George Fox song). 

“In my old leather breeches and my shaggy, shaggy locks, I am walking in the glory of the light,” said Fox.

Afterwards our guests enthusiastically shared the biscuits we often eat at LTQM, with Foxes party rings and ginger nuts definitely being favourites. With all in unity that perhaps George Fox himself might not approve of Party Rings! Thank you to the Linkers for also helping to serve copious cups of tea.

We then played an extended game of The Sun Shines On with much hilarity – turns out not many of us have cats but most of us like chocolate.

The students then gave us an impressive, bilingual, presentation about life in Japan, and issues that are facing them such as coping with an ageing population, living with earthquakes, and the climate crisis.

We were then able to hear more about their trip to the UK, which included visiting places such as Jordan’s Meeting House and Firbank Fell, before they headed off to see Wicked in the West End.

We would like to say a huge thank you to Friends Girls School Tokyo, and to their UK guide and Westminster Friends, for enabling us to take part in such a special morning. 

London Link in Southend – day trip to Adventure Island theme park

We met by the Kindertransport statue outside Liverpool Street station, or some of us did – before realising there was another Kindertransport statue inside the station, which also happens to be the dedicated meeting point for the station! So two groups formed, packed lunches in hand, and boarded an early train for Southend.

We arrived at Adventure Island 2 minutes before it opened for the day, Southend Pier and the Thames estuary illuminated by glorious spring sunshine, which was the backdrop for the day, between intermittent brief April showers.

After sampling the thrills of various rides and attractions, we regrouped for a picnic lunch in the Cliff Gardens, supplemented with chips from the many fish and chip outlets. The adrenaline junkies were soon back on the rides, whilst others enjoyed the amusement arcades or took to the beach. At the appointed hour, we met to head back to the station (via the sweet shop!) and return to London on the train, our naps taking the edge off our tiredness from a long but enjoyable day together.

As one of our (older) participants said “I loved the trip to Adventure Island, it was so nice to see friends again and was a solid final London Link event”.

See you in June for the residential in Lewes!


On 28 January 2024 17 young people, and 4 adult volunteers, gathered at Westminster Meeting House for our annual Winterval get-together. As part of this we met a Quokka (well an image of one) and Julia Stacey who kindly agreed to write up an account of our meeting and afternoon….

Hello everyone! I am Julia, the new London Children and Youth Development Worker. I started this job in early January, and I’ve been learning loads. A big part of my job is getting to know everyone, so we can talk about how we can work together. I need to learn about what stuff Quaker teens, children and families are already getting up to, and what else you would like to do. It was fun to join London Link for their Winterval party.

The day of Winterval I walked over to Westminster Meeting House. I was a bit nervous, turns out that feeling never quite goes away when meeting new people! I hadn’t met any of the adults or teenagers yet. I sort of knew what to expect but not much, outside of the fact there would be pizza.

As more friends showed up, I could see many people already knew each other, however, I wasn’t the only new person. Initially, I was feeling a bit shy, but was well welcomed into the conversation. Once everyone arrived, we played some icebreaker games, and my nervousness quickly went away and was replaced by excitement and fun. Afterwards we attended to some business, such as nominations for a new clerk. I also took the opportunity to introduce myself and my work.

Next, we moved onto a Quaker quiz, I never knew how much I didn’t know about Quakers until doing this! From identifying famous Quakers, to filling in the blanks of Quaker quotes I was amazed how much everyone around me knew… thank goodness my teammates knew more than me. Doing the quiz reminded me it would be great to take some time to learn more stuff and read some books from the excellent Friends House shop and library. I want to learn more about the history of young Quakers, knowing more about our past can help inform our future.

After the quiz, we made pizzas. There were loads of vegetables to chop but luckily, I have past professional cooking experience & have been known to prepare lunch for 60 people, so made light work of all the chopping and grating! While working I got to talk with the other volunteers. Sally and I had an amazing conversation about the different eras of Beyonce’s career… along with Quaker stuff of course! It was no mean feat for everyone to make and cook their pizza with only one oven, but all that just made it taste even better.

As we finished off our pizzas, we began tidying up before heading into epilogue. The lights had been turned off, and fairy lights had been arranged in the centre of the circle. This experience of worship was so beautiful, the dark room lit only by the warm fairy lights was very calming. Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how we can go about worship in a way that doesn’t fundamentally change it, but rather expands it.

Once epilogue was over, we all worked together to finish tidying up and people began to head home. I was tired out but was happy about how the day went. I can’t wait to get to spend more time with London Link and getting to know everyone better. The day also taught me a lot about what makes a successful Quaker event, apparently quizzes are the way to go (hah hah). But more seriously, it showed me how our teenagers are amazingly skilled and confident in leading and planning events and activities. I can’t wait to help them out with future ones.

If you would like to read more about me and my work and find my contact details you can check out my webpage I also hope to launch a newsletter soon, if I can ever figure out Mailchimp!

Please contact me if you have questions, ideas, thoughts or just want to say hi! I look forward to hearing from you.

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