Previous Event – Brighton

17 of us made our way to Brighton on the train, meeting two more young friends from Brighton meeting. We went to the beach, played some games, visited the pier and caught up with friends while eating ice cream. With careful help from the young people dinner was made and eaten. After dinner we played a few games such as sardines, we then had an epilogue to reflect on the day and then bed.

Brighton breach

In the morning we had breakfast and joined meeting for worship, leaving with the children’s group to have our own business meeting about future London link events, to which we have agreed to start looking at holding an event on *Oct 21-23* and then the Winterval bash on *Dec 17* , we also discussed the new status of London Link Group as an official body of London Quakers and how we hope to get all the Area meetings in London to help London Link group by providing a committee member and financial support (please ask your Area meeting clerk or us for further details) so that we can run even more exciting events.

Sam Walton then lead a discussion on how we perceive some of the “big issues” around organised religion in the modern world which included a look at some of the stories in the bible have been interpreted in different ways referencing Jesus and Nonviolence: A Third Way by Walter Wink.

We then spent the rest of the afternoon on the beach enjoying the excellent weather and the picnic we brought.