Having arrived at Watford Meeting house and introduced ourselves and the 7 volunteers, 20 young people made their way down to cassiobury park to play some games and have fun the sunshine.
On arriving back we had some delicious scones and time to chatter before Lucy Colbeck (Oxfam Youth and Schools and Watford Friend) and Owen Everret arrived to run an excellent workshop around explaining the challenges of sustinability and why it is a Quaker consern.

After the evening meal we played some games and then led into an epilogue organised by two of the young people around a bonfire. Some hotchocolate after then bed.

Sunday started with a quick breakfast then into meeting for worship, Simon Colbeck organised an activity on conflict resolution around a Quakerised version of Little red riding hood, which produced some exciting opportunities for acting out the conflict and attempting mediation.

Some freetime, tea and then a short session on how solar panels work and what prompted Watford Friends to install solar panels on their roof and the chanllenges of doing so led by David from Watford Meeting.

A small break then we all met to evaluate the weekend and for London Linkers to talk about future plans and how we formalise the role the young people play in running and planning the link events.

There was a really warm and caring atmosphere at the event, and I’d like to thank all the young people, all the volunteers involved and Watford Meeting for hosting us so excellently.